Rosemary Grape Tart

rosemary grape tart.jpg

Rosemary Grape Tart

1 pound Sweet Lemon Short Crust, recipe below
1 quart Rosemary Pastry Cream, recipe below
1 large bunch black grapes
1 large bunch green grapes
Honey (optional)

1. Prepare the Sweet Lemon Short Dough and Rosemary Custard according to their instructions and set aside both in the refrigerator to chill. The dough needs to rest long enough until it is firm enough to roll out.
2. Preheat the oven to 375°F.
3. Roll the Short Dough out to a 1⁄8 inch thick square about 10 inches in diameter, using as little flour as possible. Place the rolled out dough gently in the pie pan, tucking dough into the corners (Take care not to let the dough stretch during this step.) Remove any excess dough that is left above the edge of the pie pan.
4. Line the dough with parchment paper or foil. Place pie weights or dry beans on the parchment paper, enough to fill the tart pan all the way to the top. (The parchment paper or foil and the pie weights should be pressed to the edges so it will hold them up during baking.)
5. Bake the tart dough in the preheated oven for 14 to 16 minutes until the visible edges begin to brown and they feel firm.
6. Remove the tart from the oven and carefully remove the pie weights or dry beans, including the parchment paper separating the beans and the dough. Place a few slits in the bottom of the dough. Place the dough back in the oven and bake for another 8 to 10 minutes until the bottom of the crust begins to brown and feels firm.
7. Set the baked tart crust aside to cool. In the meantime prep the grapes by cutting them all in half horizontally.
8. Once the crust is cool, pour the custard into the tart. Evenly spread it out so it is level with the top of the crust.
9. Arrange the grapes on top, with the cut side facing down. To duplicate my tart (a spiral of the two grape varieties), start both spirals at the same time from the center of the tart. Take care to ensure the spiral is circular in shape.
10. Serve immediately. You can also drizzle a little warmed honey on top for added sweetness if you’d like. This will also act like a glaze, creating a shiny top and help the tart keep a little longer.

Lemon Sweet Crust

5 ounces unsalted butter, at room temp.
4 ounces sugar
1 egg
1 tablespoon lemon zest
1⁄4 teaspoon salt
5 ounces all-purpose flour
2 1⁄2 ounces oat flour

1. In the bowl of a stand mixer, beat the sugar, butter, egg, lemon zest and salt together until combined.
2. Add the flour and mix until a dough forms.
3. Form the dough into a disk and wrap in parchment paper.
4. Place in the refrigerator and chill for a couple hours.

Rosemary Pastry Cream

1 quart milk
1⁄4 ounce rosemary (about 5 sprigs)
2 ounces. cornstarch
8 ounces sugar
1⁄2 teaspoon salt
3 eggs
3 ounces unsalted butter
1⁄2 teaspoon vanilla bean paste or vanilla extract.

1. Place the milk in a heavy bottomed pot. Add the rosemary sprigs to the milk. Bring the milk to a simmer.
2. Once the milk has reached a simmer, remove the pot from the heat and let it cool to room temperature with the rosemary sprigs in the milk.
3. In the mean time, mix the cornstarch, sugar, salt and eggs together in a bowl. Set aside.
4. After the milk has reached room temperature, remove the rosemary sprigs and any rogue leaves.
5. Bring the milk back to a simmer. Once the milk begins to simmer, slowly pour some of the milk into the sugar mixture while whisking vigorously to temper the eggs. Return the tempered egg mixture to the pot with the remaining milk.
6. Heat the mixture over medium-high heat and bring it to a boil, stirring or whisking constantly. Once at a boil, continue cooking for another 30 seconds to ensure the cornstarch taste is cooked out.
7. Remove from the heat and stir in the butter and vanilla extract. Mix until the butter is completely melted.
8. Allow the custard to cool to room temperature before placing in the fridge to chill.